Erasmus Code Contact Person Subject Area Code (ISCED) and Related Faculty/ Department Study cycle (1st,2nd,3rd) Total ----- Person * month Recommended Language Skills And Level Staff Teaching Mobility (person* days) Staff Training Mobility (person* days) Application Deadlines Kazimieras Simonavicius University (2014-2021)
Code D BIELEFE01. ISCED: 0541; Programme type: Erasmus; For: Teaching staff, Students; Coordinator: Luca Validity period: Dal 01/01/2016 al 01/01/ 2021
OUTGOING Erasmus Language Exam Sample_Use of English & Reading ISCED Codes for Erasmus Agreements. announced that the use of EWP will be made mandatory from 2021 as part of the next apply or become a partner you need a Participant Identification Code ( PI Jan 08, 2021. Dear students of the Economics Department of the CAU. We are pleased to inform you that an information event for the ERASMUS exchange 12. Nov. 2020 ERASMUS+ Stipendienausschreibung für Fakultät V - Verkehrs- und die Bewerbung für das akademische Jahr 2021-2022 als Online-Bewerbung über ISCED-Code – Bedeutungserklärung finden Sie auf den nächsten 17 Feb 2021 The International Office grants the Erasmus+ Scholarship. As an exception, Erasmus stays in the United Kingdom in the 2021/22 academic year can Take ( only for online applications)(de) (pdf: 1670 kb) · ISCED 2 Oct 2020 FACT SHEET 2020/2021 PIC number: 999591209, Erasmus+ code SF LAPPEEN01, OID: E10207996 Fields of studies & ISCED codes.
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ERASMUS. 0. General Programmes. 16. 1.
Erasmus+ ISCED Codes (F-2013) Broad field Narrow field Detailed field 06 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 0611 Computer use 0612 Database and network design and administration 0613 Software and applications development and analysis 07 Engineering, manufacturing
OSO GARRANTZITSUA. PhD Program Area Code. ISCED 2013 Ezagutza-arloen kodeak. Erasmus ikasle gutuna. You can download the document here: Learning Agreement for study 2021-2022.docx To find the ISCED CODES, scroll down to Useful information to fill in the GA and LA. Students who will do an exchange with one of the following universities, need to use the Online Learning Agreement (OLA): Universitetet i Bergen
310). Student number. LIST OF SUBJECT AREA - CODES ISCED -. (01.0 Agricultural Sciences) 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery.
The old Erasmus codes contain a dot, whereas the ISCED 1997 (FOET 1999) codes do not. Microsoft Word - Erasmus ISCED Codes.docx Author: susap72 Created Date: 1/19/2021 9:42:33 AM
Isced f code 2021. This tool allows you to identify which of the new 2013 ISCED-F codes that are used for Erasmus+ corresponds to the ISCED1997 (FOET 1999) codes or the old Erasmus codes.
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Erasmus KA107. The European funding programme Erasmus also offers the opportunity of worldwide exchange via mobility projects between European programme countries and partner countries outside Europe: the exchange of students and university staff with partner countries (Key Action 107) takes place via separate calls for proposals in which the WWU participates with selected university partners.
The European funding programme Erasmus also offers the opportunity of worldwide exchange via mobility projects between European programme countries and partner countries outside Europe: the exchange of students and university staff with partner countries (Key Action 107) takes place via separate calls for proposals in which the WWU participates with selected university partners. (isced code) MOBILITY NUMBERS/ ΑΡΙΘΜΟΙ ΚΙΝΗΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ 41 University of Lodz Poland 2021 Languages(english Language) 2 10 0 2 U,P,D 42 Metropolitan University Prague Czech Republic 2021 Languages (English) 2 12 0 2 U, P 43 Vilniaus Universitetas Lithuania 2021 Languages (English) 2 …
Academic calendar 2021/2022 Erasmus incoming students: Language Proficiency Form Learning Agreement for Studies Evaluation form for Erasmus+ stay Teaching staff: Inter-institutional agreement 2014-2021 between programme countries Mobility Agreement for Teaching (STA) Subject Area Codes ISCED Codes. Erasmus Agreements List for Student Exchange Information about some of the partner universities Erasmus Protocol Drafts. Erasmus Agreement Draft.2017-2021.
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available from April, 22nd to October, 30th 2021 Before you start the registration, please check with your Erasmus/International Office: - the Erasmus ID of your home university (i.e. E SEVILLA 01) - the Area or ISCED code of our bilateral agreement (i.e. Languages and Philological Sciences,code 222 / Languages, code …
Candidatura online – Bando Erasmus+ a.a. 2021-2022 mobilità per studio. La scadenza per la presentazione della candidatura al Bando Erasmus+ a.a. 2021-2022 mobilità per studio è il 22/04/2021 ore COD Erasmus Code UNIVERSITA ISCED Code AREA ISCED 97 UNESCO AREA UNESCO STT Stipula SCAD Biologia e Farmacia Farmacia TR TR ANKARA02 Gazi Universitesi 7 12.5 Pharmacy 727 0916 Pharmacy 2 18/03/2014 30/09/2021 Biologia e Farmacia Scienze Naturali RO RO ORADEA01 Universitatea Din Oradea 4 13.0 Life science 421 051 in the academic year 2020/21 (fall 2020 and spring 2021) the financial funding of all mobilies will be calculated on the basis of the confirmed period of stay; upon return, a Transcript of Records will be issued which certifies the courses completed and credits obtained; Please be aware that moving abroad is a precondition for financial support.
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ISCED Codes; Erasmus Without Paper 25 Mart 2021 tarihinde Üniversitemizin Erasmus Koordinatörlüğü tarafından 2021-2027 yılları arasında Erasmus
The New Erasmus+ App. Signing by the authorities of the institutions. ISCED Codes · Erasmus+ Interinstitutional Agreements (18/02/2021 updated.) Agreement form (with programme Welcome, you have taken the first step in setting off for a semester or full year abroad.
Bando Erasmus+ a.a. 2021-2022 – mobilità per studio. Candidatura online – Bando Erasmus+ a.a. 2021-2022 mobilità per studio. La scadenza per la presentazione della candidatura al Bando Erasmus+ a.a. 2021-2022 mobilità per studio è il 22/04/2021 ore 14.00. Coordinatori disciplinari Erasmus. Bando Erasmus+ studio a.a. 2020-2021
Useful information to fill in the Learning Agreement Erasmus+ ISCED Codes (F-2013) Broad field Narrow field Detailed field 06 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 0611 Computer use 0612 Database and network design and administration 0613 Software and applications development and analysis 07 Engineering, manufacturing The majority of codes are the same for ISCED-P and ISCED-A but there are also some exceptions, in particular in the case of short programmes for which educational attainment is downgraded to the lower ISCED level. ISCED-F 2013 - ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013 - is a classification of fields of education, which accompanies ISCED This tool allows you to identify which of the new 2013 ISCED-F codes that are used for Erasmus+ corresponds to the ISCED1997 (FOET 1999) codes or the old Erasmus codes. The old Erasmus codes contain a dot, whereas the ISCED 1997 (FOET 1999) codes do not. Typing in the "Find a code:" field displays a list of the 2013 ISCED-F codes, the name of Example - how to fill in the Grant Agreement for Study 2021-2022 Example - how to fill in the Learning Agreement for Study 2021-2022.docx. Information you need to fill in the GA and LA: ISCED CODES.pdf If you are a BSc student; select the MSc code which is related to your BSc programme. Useful information to fill in the Learning Agreement ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-22 Before filling in this form, your home University must have sent previously your Erasmus nominationto the International Relations Service at the USAL. Erasmus+ ISCED Codes (F-2013) Broad field Narrow field Detailed field 06 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 0611 Computer use 0612 Database and network design and administration 0613 Software and applications development and analysis 07 Engineering, manufacturing The International Standard Classification of Education provides a comprehensive framework for organising education programmes and qualification by applying uniform and internationally agreed definitions to facilitate comparisons of education systems across countries.
Useful information to fill in the Learning Agreement correctly: Guidelines_study_2021-2022.pdf 2021/2022 Stand: 25. November 2020 Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ISCED Code 0311) – Erasmus-Code: DKONSTAN01 Fachbereichskoordinatorinnen: Hanna Schwarz (Master & im Bachelor für Belgien, Bulgarien, Estland, Frankreich, Irland, Lettland, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Inter-institutional agreement 2014/2015 - 2020/2021 between programme countries The Institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff In the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education In all aspects related to the organisation and Faculty of Economics and Administrationobjedinjen isced kod 041: 2 subject areas za skupni broj studenata: 34, 314 F 4 5 2021/22 17 Erasmus+ SMS - Skoda Auto Vysoka skola - EFZG - 041 Ekonomski fakultet Skoda Auto Vysoka skola Czech Republic 041 - Business and administration F, S 4 5 2021/22 18 Erasmus+ SMS - Univerzita Tomáse Bati Ve counselling (ISCED 1997); Department of Education F, S, T 2 5 2021/22 3 Erasmus+ SMS - Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck - PRAVO - 0421 Pravni fakultet Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Austria 0421 - Law Faculty of Law F, S 2 5 2021/22 4 Erasmus+ SMS - Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz - 11/11/14 - SRI PARTENAIRES ERASMUS MOBILITE PREVUE 2014-2021 7/11 Pays Universités partenaires Code Erasmus+ Composante Département ou domaine d'études Niveau Code ISCED Durée de l'accord HONGRIE OBUDA HU BUDAPES16 IUT Psychologie et gestion des ressources humaines L 345 2014-2021 ALLEMAGNE Hochschule BremerhavenD BREMERH01 IUT TC L 041 2014-2021 Inter-institutional agreement 2014-2021 between programme countries Subject Area Codes ISCED Codes Erasmus Partner Institutions Giving lectures at NCU (STA - Staff Teaching Assignments) If you would like to enrich our offer with your lectures, NCU would be glad to host you in Toruń. Università degli Studi di Padova Bando Erasmus+ Studio mobilità a.a.